Utah judge orders trial for registered sex offender charged with failing to disclose HOA presidency

SALT LAKE CITY (KUTV) — A Utah County judge ordered a convicted child sex offender who is required to register as a sex offender for the rest of his life to stand trial on charges he failed to disclose he was president of his homeowner’s association.

2News Investigates has been reporting on Paul Bryant for almost two years now.

In 2016 Bryant took a plea deal and was convicted of three first-degree felonies for attempted aggravated sexual abuse of his adopted children.

A few years after he was released from jail after serving 730 days and his probation was terminated, Bryant again garnered headlines when he dressed up as Prince Charming and went into Legacy Elementary School to see his girlfriend who was a teacher bypassing all security protocols and was around children the same age as his victims.

He was convicted in that case too.

Earlier this year, 2News Investigates exposed how Bryant was serving as president of his homeowner’s association, the Walk at Ivory Ridge and was photographed in the HOA park among children.

Concerned neighbors called Lehi Police and they began an investigation which resulted in the Utah County Attorney’s Office filing criminal charges against Bryant.

On Monday Fourth District Court Judge Kraig Powell decided the state can go forward with charges that he failed to disclose he was president of his HOA on his sex offender registry paperwork where even work on a volunteer basis must be disclosed.

2News Investigates previously obtained a blank copy of the sex offender registration form from the Utah Department of Corrections. The form clearly states that an offender must list all occupations, and more specifically says: “All volunteer information and affiliations.” It also says: “Employment” or “Vocation” includes employment that is full time or part time, whether financially compensated, volunteer, or for the purpose of government or educational benefit.”



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It’s always the people who do wrong and can’t follow the rules over and over again. It’s articles like this that make the public think everyone on the registry is like this guy instead of the 3% or 4% that he actually represents.

Well, he should have known better, so I don’t feel too bad. Is it wrong that he has to disclose where he volunteers just because he is on the registry? Sure. Still, right or wrong, he knew the consequences. I don’t care what people think now because 99% off PFRs abide by the rules, even though it is not fair that they have to. This does not reflect the majority of PFRs. News should report more about the 99% and not on the 1% that re-offends or ignores the unconstitutional rules. It’s the same when an airplane crashes. It makes big news. Yet, the millions of flights that arrive safely are not mentioned. It is all about sensationalism.

Wow it looks to me that he has just made some very bad decisions.

Unconstitutionally vague, open and shut case. If you attend a church and “volunteer” to stack chairs at the end of a service once, do you report that? What if you do it every week? What if you’re a volunteer editor on Wikipedia, but just make a single edit? How big was this HOA? Everyone in it likely knew he was a RSO, and voted for him nonetheless, so it’s not like he’s hiding anything. Many of you might not be aware, but the chances of being accused of abuse while being a foster parent are alarmingly high, and I suspect it’s somewhat similar for adoption. I’ve known very law-abiding people who were discouraged from fostering by information sessions which tell you just how high the likelihood is. My guess is he claims to be innocent (who knows if he is) and his neighbors believe him and some other folk in town don’t, and want to see him back in jail. But either way he paid his sentence and has a right to be accepted or not by people in his community without them using the courts against him.

I have a rule for myself, I avoid being around children and families with children and the appearance thereof.

How does being forced to disclose volunteering promote public safety?

I guess the registration update form also asks how often you fart too!!
This is nuts!!

By law I have not been required to register for 5 years but I still follow this insanity.

I might argue that he was already a member of the HOA as an owner. He had already provided his address to LE.

Everyone thinks I’m crazy when I keep telling them that the registry Requirements that we sign once a year has loopholes in it, If A detective wants to investigate you all he hast to do is follow you around for a couple days using the template of your registry requirements and you’re going to prison.
We’re free but we’re not free and all those registry requirements proves it.
This Guy was definitely targeted by law-enforcement in his local community, they just followed him around for months until he violated one of those requirements.
People on the registry in California know this but don’t like to think about it because it’s overwhelming, So they just hide out and avoid police contact by any means because they know that any Cop can get a wild hair up his ass and they going to prison.

Last edited 1 year ago by AERO’S PHO

KUNTV news has been following this guy for two years. They need too report on real crime and stop stalking this guy.

Is being elected the same as volunteering?